Griffin joined Friends Life Community in 2024 as a Performing Arts Empowerment Specialist. Their formal education background led them to study Special Education and Psychology through Mississippi State University and Arizona State University, and their informal education took them to comedy theatres in Chicago and various art apprenticeships around Nashville. Through their own disability journey, Griffin fell in love with improvisational comedy and all of the forms of communication and self-expression it can take. Improv empowered them to pursue writing beyond their research and journalism work, and they could not be more thankful for spaces like Third Coast Comedy Club where they have taught, directed, produced, and performed.
With fifteen years of experience working with neurodivergent individuals and the same amount of time writing and performing, Griffin sees artistic creation as necessary self-care, important communication, and an opportunity to find community. They have a particular love for using improv to create written work, valuing that there is truth in comedy and a personal power in making an audience laugh together. They are passionate about mixed media art that tells a story and could not think of a better place to be than Friends Life Community!