FLC is More Than a day program, it’s friendships, peace of mind, life-long learning, and a community of support.
More Than an art class, it’s finding your voice, telling your story, and connecting with others through a shared experience.
More Than an ice cream truck, it’s creating a more inclusive Nashville, employment opportunities, and spreading joy.
More Than my disability, I am an artist, a good friend, a trusted employee, a daughter, an aunt, and a strong, confident self-advocate.

Filled with color, music, laughter, and friendships, Friends Life Community is More Than a day program, it’s living life together.
The families created FLC because they needed More Than a safe place for their loved ones to be every day. They wanted their adult children to have what matters most, friendships, purpose, participation, belonging, and a future without worries.
When FLC was founded, no one realized that the impact would reach far greater than the Friends. It has become More Than a community for the Friends, it is a support system for the families, educators, and community partner leaders, place of connection for volunteers, and social change for all of Nashville.

FLC has grown into a community where people with disabilities are More Than accepted, they are valued and expected to be engaged members who give as much as they receive. They have worked with over 30 different nonprofits in Nashville, working alongside peers in the community, giving over 100,000 hours of service. FLC has received over 500 volunteers from the Nashville community, many of whom are regular volunteers and have established genuine friendships with the Friends.
In 2021 the Friends started a small social enterprise, The Friends’ Treat Truck, because they missed being in the community from the pandemic and wanted to do what they do so well, spread joy. They have handed out over 30,0000 treats/smiles, and it has led to many conversations throughout Nashville around inclusive practices and the importance of reciprocity within the community.

The Friends have performed and shown original artwork in front of thousands of Nashvillians. Their work has been seen at TPAC, Frist Art Museum, Belmont University, Lipscomb University, Zeitgeist Art Gallery, Montgomery Bell Academy, Harpeth Hall, and many other institutions, nonprofits, businesses, schools, and galleries. These artists have been able to find their voices, tell their stories, and connect with others through the shared emotional experiences that make us all human.
Friends Life Community is More Than a day program, and it always will be because the Friends are more than a disability.
Your donation is More Than a gift, it is a statement of your belief in the Friends and presence alongside the families as they navigate adulthood.
The BBQ is More Than a fundraising event, it is a celebration of community and a commitment to the Friends.
What makes us More Than a day program? YOU DO!
Join the More Than movement! Come to the Backyard BBQ and Bluegrass Bash on August 24, 2024 at the FLC campus.