Being Called By Name

Being Called By Name

Have you ever considered what makes you feel you are part of a positive and healthy community? How do you know that you are valued by others around you? When do you experience feelings of belonging? Maybe it’s when you have something to get out of bed for every...
Program Update

Program Update

Two and a half weeks are in the books for our new virtual-Friends Life Community.  I wanted to take a few minutes to share with you, how our program is adapting during this time.  Our prayer is that everyone stays healthy and we are able to welcome the Friends, and...
Spring at a Glance

Spring at a Glance

It’s busy season here at Friends Life Community. Our classes and explorations have been in high gear embracing the sunshine as winter turned to spring, and quite a few faces have changed in our community. Here’s what we’ve been up to as winter thawed...